Home Blog Tilley Joins NACD Committee in Washington D.C.

Tilley Joins NACD Committee in Washington D.C.

Members of the National Association of Chemical Distributors’ Government Policy and Advocacy Committee met for two days of discussion with legislators and representatives from federal agencies. The annual conference serves as a vital source of connection and communication between the industry, members of Congress and regulators.

Fluharty Selected for GPAC Membership

Tilley Distribution VP of Sales Bill Fluharty

The NACD‘s Government Policy and Advocacy Committee, or GPAC, is focused on maintaining a collaborative relationship with regulatory agencies to prioritize informed regulatory guidance in the chemical distribution industry. In addition to its role as an industry advocate, the committee is also tasked with relaying changing regulations to all NACD members.

Bill Fluharty is a natural fit for this role. With over 40 years in the industry, our VP of Sales has vast experience and respect among his peers.

Impressions from the January Committee Session

After spending January 24-25 in Washington, Bill offered his general impressions of this year’s session. He noted the importance of meeting with Congressional members from both parties and the unique mix of senior and newly elected representatives. The collegial atmosphere didn’t detract from the serious discussion on what Bill calls the “critical issues” facing the industry.

The committee’s agenda was far from limited, covering environmental, trade, health and safety and security initiatives formed by the NACD. Addressing these concerns will positively impact industry employees, the environment and the communities these organizations call home.

View the updated Chemical Affairs Issues Watch resource for more details.

The NACD’s Role in Regulation

The National Association of Chemical Distributors was founded in 1971. In addition to providing educational resources for members, the NACD has played a critical role in shaping chemical industry regulation and responsible distribution for more than five decades. The organization comprises more than 400 distributors, chemical producers, chemical handlers and representatives from adjacent industries. Its most significant accomplishment of 2022 was the Ocean Shipping Reform Act, or ORSA, which provides the first comprehensive update of shipping regulations since 1998.

Advocating for Responsible Distribution Practices; That’s Tilley

Tilley takes pride in leveraging our experienced team to drive change in an already dynamic and fast-paced industry. This year’s GPAC committee sessions were an excellent opportunity to connect, learn and engage lawmakers and our industry partners. Together, we’re confident that the chemical distribution industry will continue to provide the highest quality products, competitive employment opportunities and a bright economic future. Learn more about our efforts; speak with a Tilley representative today.