Home Blog The Answer to the All Natural Question

The Answer to the All Natural Question

As the old adage goes, you are what you eat, and at no point in history have consumers paid more attention to exactly what they are eating.

It’s not just in health-food stores that the terms “Non-GMO” and “All Natural” are floating around. These are words that are prevalent in our culture and will not be going anywhere as individuals continue to scan packaging and ingredient lists for those buzz words.

Tilley Chemical has been hearing these words quite a bit recently as many of our food and flavoring customers are asking us how we can help out in the All Natural arena. In truth, we work extremely hard to see where industry trends are heading so we can provide the solution when they arrive, and now that the All Natural craze is at a fever pitch, we’re here to answer the call! Allow this blog post to be an introduction into the bevy of products Tilley offers in the All Natural, Clean Label world.

We are very pleased to offer:

  • All Natural Ascorbic Acid
  • GMO Free Citric Acid
  • GMO Free Citrates
  • All Natural Erythritol
  • All Natural, GMO Free and Organic Ethyl Alcohol
  • GMO Free and Organic Guar Gum
  • All Natural and GMO Free Glycerin
  • Natural Food Colors
  • Natural Fibers

We also offer Licresse, an all natural antioxidant which can be used to naturally extend shelf life, and Solona, an All Natural, Low Sodium Sea Salt which will seriously enhance the flavor of any food!

Our lubricant division is also getting on board with the trend and offering NSF and HI Lubricants!

If you have any questions regarding our All Natural and Clean Label Ingredients please speak to your salesperson today!